So much to unpack.

I stopped 'being' a black Republican many years ago, but I will tell you something you miss entirely, and that is the following. Imagine the kind of black person who takes Malcolm X seriously and looks to be a full participant in America 'by any means necessary'. Is it possible for you to imagine that there are things that Republicans deliver that Democrats don't and that those delivered goods might be useful to black Americans?

Now here's where I really stretch your imagination. Is it possible for you to imagine that there are black Americans who are psychologically healthy enough to completely disregard the racial identity imposed upon them? In other words, I don't care if somebody wants to 'take my black card'?

Put those two things together and you get the kind of individual who has enough personal power and takes his own choices seriously and is unaffected by critics and haters and anyone else because he understands his own best interests. Not the interests of the Negro Race. Not the interests of the Afrocentrics. Not the interests of the Ferguson, MO, of the NAACP, of the black quarterbacks of the NFL, of the Disney Channel, Beyonce, or the ghost of WEB duBois. HIS OWN INTERESTS.

I say if your imagination cannot see those people for who they are, then you have ingested entirely too much racial theory. Thus the burden is on you to prove why black Americans cannot be individuals but must always take the racial attitudes of the day into consideration.

Aside from that, anyone who qualifies for Emery University Medical School qualifies pretty much everywhere else in the nation, like Charles R. Drew did a generation before the letter you exemplified.

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Interestingly, I don't disagree with your comments. If I were American, I'd be a solid Republican, not minding the perceived Republican "hostility" to Blacks

However, the whole point of my article is to state that I understand why many Black people vote the way they do and that there is a logic behind it. Different things appeal to different people. Coming from a deracialized society like mine, its easy for me to ignore racial animosity, but given the racial history of the US, I understand African American sensitivity around race. Understanding is not agreement. It's simply understanding.

Perhaps also, my point is that the Republican Party can and should do better.

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The smart ones do.

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Charles; in your opinion, why do:

Nigerian Canadians academically outperform and outearn "white Canadians"?

Nigerian Americans academically outperform and outearn "white Americans"?

Nigerian Brits academically outperform and outearn "white Britons"?

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