I'll say it was 3 things.

Horrible candidate.

Had no plan.

Spoke in word salads.

The Democrats though the, I'm a female and black was enough. And if you dared say anything in opposition, you were smeared and ostracized.

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She was definitely a flawed candidate, but they didn’t really have much of a choice. I don’t blame the Democrats for that, though we probably should. I do blame them for having a shitty plan though. They should have had a small list of things, instead of going all in on home ownership (which wouldn’t have been as bad in a group). Money is super tight for almost all Americans and they never even bothered to acknowledge that.

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I still think she was a fantastic candidate. She's isn't the best communicator, but she did have a plan, much more than Trump who just had promises that he is now reneging on, because no one bothered to ask him how he was going to do those things. Now he's saying he can't bring down inflation etc.

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