BLM has contributed both financially and health wise to America.

Look at all the great real-estate they now have. And many areas they have been are now available for pennies on the dollar. You only have to haul off the rubble. The glass, window, door and plywood companies are booked solid. Insurance companies are busy. Hospitals are getting extremely good at repairing gunshot wounds. To the point that even with advanced firearms and improved bullets, they are able to save 80% of gunshot victims.

Graduation rates are higher than they have ever been. They were able to get rid of those old fuddy duddy tests.

Race relations have improved dramatically. Whitey left the neighborhood and took a lot of those mean police with them. Black privilege has made tremendous strides. Need a car, take it. Need some stuff at the mall, round up a posse and "get you some." Difference of opinion, drive by his house and set him straight. All this without any of that white supremacy legal mumbo jumbo trying to hold them down.

And lastly, look at all the Negro Whisperers this movment has spawned. They are making a fortune. 20 grand for a 20 minute speech, with no question asked.

I must be in the wrong business.

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Do you think you've been more "useful" than BLM? If so, how?

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